The choices consumers make change frequently with time, so Emmetex closely monitors new market demands carefully and with a touch of originality. With the development of an increasingly broad offering aimed at eco-sustainability, the company has decided to convey a message of environmental responsibility through its hang tags and the way they are made: the choice of paper used and the typography, respect for the rights of all those involved in the process, impact on health and origin of raw materials.
To highlight this aspect, Emmetex has introduced the DLIW Green hang tag made using an eco-calculator, an innovative tool that enables end users to gain a real understanding of the savings made by choosing a recycled product over new fibres.
To highlight this aspect, Emmetex has introduced the DLIW Green hang tag made using an eco-calculator, an innovative tool that enables end users to gain a real understanding of the savings made by choosing a recycled product over new fibres.